Independent Diplomat and Women In International Security (WIIS) organize a special public panel discussion on Women of South Yemen: Securing peace and stability.

Moderator & Opening Remarks

  • Ms Laura Semmler, Women in International Security (WIIS) Brussels


  • Sanaa Mubarak is paediatrician by profession, and a member of the Southern Transitional Council and a founding member of the Academic Forum Muhammed Ali Luqman (think tank organisation).
  • Nadia Hafedh is from the South Yemen Women’s Forum which seeks to increase women’s political participation, connecting grassroots activity to the advocacy efforts in Europe.
  • Sophia Baras is a cultural and linguistic mediator, and a member of the Southern Women Association in Europe, one of the leading Southern Yemeni diaspora networks.

To mark International Women’s Day, the panel discussion will explore the vital role South Yemeni women play in Yemen’s quest for peace, and the challenges ahead for advancing women’s participation in the political process. 

Date: March 10th, 2020, 09h30-11h00 (Light breakfast will be served)

Venue: Independent Diplomat, 14b Rue de la Science, Brussels 

All are welcome to this public event. Please RSVP your attendance to shervingb@gmail.com by March 6, 2020.

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