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Press Statement on Houthi Attacks in the South

[ADEN – 2 AUGUST 2019] Commenting on yesterday’s attack by Houthi forces on a military parade of the Security Belt Forces in Aden, Dr. Saleh Al-Haj Head of the Southern Transitional Council in the UK, said:

“We strongly condemn the attacks on the Security Belt Forces camp in Aden, which has killed at least 36 people, including Brigadier General Abu al-Yamamah – a hero and defender to the Southern people. His death, and that of all those killed in the heinous attack, is a grave loss for us all. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families.

“While horrifying and inexcusable, this attack is not entirely surprising as it follows a pattern of recent escalations near Southern governorates, such as in Al-Dhale’. We have repeatedly warned of military tensions extending beyond Hodeidah and across Yemen, without a robust and enforced nation-wide ceasefire. For our part, the STC has worked to de-escalate these advances and minimize their impact on the humanitarian situation in our governorates.  

“Above all, the attack is a stark reminder of the urgent need to solve the Southern issue. Safeguarding our people’s legitimate calls for justice, democracy, and the right of self-determination can no longer be ignored. Addressing our cause goes to the heart of the political process and is crucial to regional stability.

“The attack in Aden only emphasizes the cost of excluding the Southern voice at the negotiating table. In this regard we continue to engage constructively with UN Envoy Martin Griffiths on our vision for the South to ensure a credible solution to the issue. We renew our demand of the international community to urgently face the facts on the ground and get behind a genuine inclusive UN-led process that deals with the Southern issue here and now. The alternative status quo is no longer tenable and will only lead to further escalation on the ground. That is neither in the interests of the Southern people and the region, nor of the wider international community.”

Dr. Saleh Al-Haj

Southern Transitional Council – United Kingdom Office

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