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[ADEN – 9 AUGUST 2019] In a letter sent to members of the UN Security Council and EU Foreign Ministers, today, the Southern Transitional Council calls for urgent international action to secure a sustainable solution for South Yemen and prevent further deterioration of the critical situation in the South. On the back of the 1 August attack by Houthi forces and the shooting of civilians by Hadi government guards in Aden on 7 August, Mohammed Al-Ghaithi, STC Deputy Head for Foreign Affairs, wrote:

“This violence and instability are a symptom of the lack of a credible solution for the South. We have long warned of this and called for a comprehensive resolution to the Southern issue, without which we can expect cycles of violence and suffering to continue. Amid the current developments, the STC’s sole objective is to restore stability and security in the areas where we operate and where we have a responsibility to the Southern people.

“Far from further escalation, our efforts now are focused on ensuring that the people in the South are protected, rule of law is maintained, and humanitarian needs are met. We will continue to deliver on this responsibility until a sustainable solution for the South is secured and in place,” he continues.

Al-Ghaithi highlights that the “STC is doing its best to manage the situation in the South. But the only way to bring about an end to this instability is a solution once and for all. We can only grip the current escalation and its consequences to an extent. It is high time for the South issue to be tackled head on as part of the political process, and with credible Southern representation. Today is further proof that the Hadi government has lost its ability and credibility to service and represent Southern governorates, and to protect people in those areas.”

Al-Ghaithi concludes by calling on the international community to take action to urgently address the Southern issue with credible representation of Southerners in the UN-led political process: “If the UN Security Council and international community are serious about a sustainable solution to the Yemeni conflict and the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, then we must be clear that the South issue is an integral element of that solution and not secondary or subsequent to it.”

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