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We welcome the EU Foreign Ministers meeting on 19 November to discuss the situation in Yemen and the growing momentum around the political process, in particular, the EU has shown leadership on the need for the protection of civilians and a robust response to meet the humanitarian needs on the ground.

Further international aid is urgently needed to address the crisis. But humanitarian aid alone would only address the symptoms of the crisis. The root cause is much deeper, and the solution is only a political one. As the STC, we welcome the efforts of the UN Special Envoy Martin Griffiths to revive the UN-led diplomatic process.

We support the EU’s strong voice on the need for an inclusive diplomatic solution, which would help find a fair solution to the Southern Issue. In this regard we would like to quote Mr Griffiths’ comments to the UN Security Council: “It is my responsibility however to alert you that there is unfinished business in the South of Yemen”, and “there will be no peace in Yemen if we do not also listen to the voices of the South and make sure they are included in the arrangements that end this war.”

This is why only a comprehensive political process would ensure the outcome is credible in the eyes of all Yemenis, including the South. The STC stands ready to play a constructive role in this process to ensure that the legitimate demands of the South are safeguarded.

We look forward to engaging further on this approach with our EU allies as we collectively work to find a political solution to a devastating crisis that has gone on far too long.

Ahmed Bin Fareed

EU Representative

Southern Transitional Council

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