Important Declaration of the Southern Transitional Council to the South Yemeni People

On October 3, 2018, the Southern Transitional Council published an important declaration to the people of South Yemen. The explanation contains the following points:

  • The Southern Transitional Council is deeply concerned about the dramatic deterioration of the living conditions in South Yemen that recently led to the spread of famine. The corrupt practices of the internationally recognized government of President Hadi caused an economic collapse and a stop on development. In addition, the government managed to send revenues from South Yemeni resources abroad. These reasons led to the impoverishment.
  • Therefore, the Southern Transitional Council declares the territory of South Yemen as disaster area.
  • The Southern Transitional Council calls on South Yemenis to peacefully demonstrate against the internationally recognized Hadi government. The STC assures them to support this uprising and to protect peaceful demonstrators.
  • The Southern Transitional Council calls for the expulsion of the corrupt government from South Yemen, in order that the South Yemeni population can use the revenues from their resources to improve their living conditions and to restore civil and security institutions until the complete restoration of the South Yemeni state on the territory of the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen that existed until May 22, 1990.
  • The Southern Transitional Council calls on its local leaders in all South Yemeni governorates to join the peaceful popular uprising against the government.
  • The Southern Transitional Council appeals to the people of South Yemen to unite in the struggle for its rights.
  • The Southern Transitional Council calls on the countries of the Arab military coalition in Yemen and the international community to support the South Yemeni people in their peaceful uprising and to bring about a solution to the southern cause leading to a two-state solution between the North and South, which will coexist peacefully.
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